Switzerland (shop.thync.it)
We offer the following payment methods:
1. Prepayment / bank transfer
After completing your order, you will receive an email with our bank details. As soon as the invoice amount has been credited to our account, we will send the item to your delivery address. The final invoice will be sent by email.
2. Stripe
We accept the following credit cards through the Stripe payment service provider: VISA, MasterCard and American Express

The entire payment process is handled by the external payment service provider. No credit card details are stored or processed in our system.
We secure payments with SSL encryption. When paying, you will be automatically redirected to the selected payment service provider.
Netherlands (shop.thync.it/nederland)
We offer the following payment methods:
1. Stripe
We accept the following credit cards through the Stripe payment service provider: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover and JCB

The entire payment process is handled by the external payment service provider. No credit card details are stored or processed in our system.
We secure payments with SSL encryption. When paying, you will be automatically redirected to the selected payment service provider.
2. iDEAL
We accept iDEAL. This method enables direct and secure payment from your bank account.