We are convinced that our products exceed customer expectations and generate add value. However, if you are not satisfied with the product, you may return the product in the original packaging and a copy of the invoice within 30 days from the delivery date.

The return and packaging costs are borne by the buyer.

Please inform us whether you would like a different product or a refund.

Fill in complete our return form (request it here: support@dynatag.com).

Please note that all data on the QR Code will be irrevocably deleted after it has been returned. The user account, any other QR codes and other Thync.it products are not affected by the deletion.

Customized orders are from excluded from return.


We grant our products one year warranty. In the event of improper use or willful destruction, the guarantee claims may expire. Follow the cleaning instructions.

All saved data are backed up daily up to the defined storage time. The current maximum storage time for standard items is 5 years.